These 11 Signs Will Allow You To Understand Your Dreams

Many of us have encountered weird dreams, but have you ever wondered what that crazy dream you had last night really means? Researchers have been trying to discover the hidden truths that lie in your subconscious mind when you go to sleep. Some consider dreams to be the result of emotional concepts hence creating more explained images in the form of dreams. The images in our dreams sometimes can be straightforward; a reflection of what we think but not all dreams are easy to decipher. It is thought that by reading and interpreting your dreams you can discover things about yourself, such as what your brain is trying to tell you, or what you really want in life. If you had the craziest dream recently and could not understand what it means then you are reading the right article here. Below are some basic dream interpretations that might help you understand what your dreams mean.


dream interpretations
This is one of the most commonly reported dreams. Getting chased almost always means you’re just feeling in danger or under pressure. You might need to look at what is stressing you out most in life. Chase dreams help us to understand that we may not be addressing something in our waking lives that requires our attention. These dreams doesn’t really means that we are running out of fear but it is important to know what we are running from. This might not be clear in your dreams but think about what is the thing you are running away in real life, is it a responsibility, a person or an obligation?


dream interpretations
The body encounters a form of paralyses in their dream which is unknown to many people but what it does is to prevent body from physically performing the actions occurring in their dreams. Dreaming about paralysis can also indicate that the dreamer feels he or she lacks control in their waking life. If you are one of them who are encountering such scenarios, now you know your dream interpretations.


dream interpretations
Although death is often perceived as negative, but dreaming of death or dying may symbolize a phase in your life that has come to an end and something new is beginning. It is related to some dramatic happening. Your dream is telling you that it is time to let go of what is passing so that you can look forward to what is coming.


dream interpretations
Food symbolizes energy, knowledge or nourishment and is directly related to our intellect, emotions and spirituality. It could also be just about the food items, depending on how important food is to you as a person. Food can also be a manifestation of idioms like, “food for thought,” and reveal that we may be “hungry” for new information and insights.


dream interpretations
When you dream about snakes, chances are that the meaning of what you just dreamed about is related to challenging issues and feelings that you’re facing in your daily life. Dream interpretations about snakes have multiple meanings and it might differ from person to person but there are few basic meanings to it like, snakes could represent your intuition or spiritual aspects of yourself; your instinctual drive, what moves you from the depths of your soul or it means that you’re dealing with a difficult situation or unsettling emotions in your waking life.


dream interpretations
Nudity symbolizes a variety of things depending on your real life situation. Becoming mortified at the realization that you are naked in public, reflects your vulnerability or feelings of shamefulness. If you experience negative emotions when naked in your dreams. It may suggest you are feeling vulnerable or insecure or you may be afraid that you or your actions will be exposed to other. You may have recently revealed a secret about yourself to someone, or the dream may be telling you that you should.


dream interpretations
Dreaming of a baby often represents something new: It might be a new idea, new project at work, new development or the potential for growth in a specific area of our waking life. It may also symbolize a part of you that is feeling neglected or needs to be nurtured, loved and accepted by you. A sleeping baby may represent peace of mind, being happy and content with no worries in life and a clear conscience.


dream interpretations
No matter how strange and odd it may sounds but people do dream about finding a toilet and it does have quite serious meanings.  If you dream about searching frantically for a toilet and then finding one clogged up and horrible, it means you feel like no one is listening to you. It symbolizes your need to express yourself and meet your own personal needs.


dream interpretations
Flying in a dream, and how effectively or poorly it’s done, relates to how much control we feel we have in our lives. It may represent high hopes; feeling that nothing can hold you down or keep you from reaching your goals; and could indicate that you are feeling in control of your life and your emotions. Alternately, flying may be compensating for a lack of freedom in waking life or may suggest you are overlooking or avoiding something.


dream interpretations
Falling dreams are the most frequent among all the common dreams we experience in our lifetime. Not all falling dreams are scary and negative. Falling can imply both internal or external issues that have been neglected. If you felt positive when you where falling might suggest a sudden change in your favor.  If you had the ability to land on your feet shows you will over come the obstacle in your life.


dream interpretations
People with missing teeth tend to be poor communicators as they have a hard time pronouncing some words. The dreams about losing teeth may just be a pointer to your communication issues. Teeth are said to be a symbol of power, losing your teeth in your dreams could be a manifestation of your feelings of powerlessness. According to traditional dream interpretation books, losing teeth dreams can simply be a sign of poor diet or malnutrition
